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    There may be times when you will need to make updates to an order manually. To do this, firstly navigate to the ‘Orders’ section via the main menu.

    Search for an order

    If you know some information about the order you wish to edit, you can enter it into one or more of the fields below, or select an option from the dropdown menus.
    For more guidance on how to search orders, see this article Search your orders.

    • Click ‘Search’ to search orders
    • If you would like to start another search, select ‘Clear’ and enter the new information

    To edit an order, click on the Order number.

    Order Details

    A tab will open up with the ‘Order Details’

    • The top section details the invoice number and status, order date etc
    • The next section contains the order summary
    • The top right of the screen contains the customer’s details
    • Underneath that is a place where you can add notes (for your own note-taking purposes – this does not get sent to the customer)

    Order summary

    Edit order quantity

    To increase or decrease the order of a certain item:

    • Change the number in the ‘Qty’ field
    • Select the update/refresh icon
    • Your order will be updated and the new will be reflected in the order total

    Update shipping amount

    If you need to update the shipping price for an order:

    • Click in the ‘Shipping’ field and edit the amount
    • Select the update/refresh icon

    Delivery address

    To update the delivery address for an order:

    • Click ‘Edit’ next to ‘Customer info’ and update the information
    • Select on the ‘Save’ button to apply your changes

    Update the status of an order

    You can update orders with the following:

    • Mark as unpaid
    • Mark as refunded
    • Mark order as Dispatched
    • Archive order
    • Cancel order
    • Print invoice
    • Resend invoice

    To access these options:

    • Click the ‘More actions’ button at the top right of the screen
    • Select the action you wish to apply

    Resend an invoice

    To resend an invoice:

    • Go to the ‘More actions’ dropdown at the top right of the screen
    • Select the ‘Resend this invoice’ option
    • You will be asked if you are sure if you want to send the invoice again
    • If you are sure, select ‘OK’
    • If you don’t want to send it again, select ‘Cancel’

    View your customer invoice

    To view the invoice your customer receives:

    • Go to the ‘More actions’ dropdown
    • Click the ‘Print invoice’ button
    • The invoice will open in a new tab in your browser session

    Add a note

    • Click in the box under ‘Note’ and add any relevant information
    • Click the ‘Update note’ button to save your changes