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    Payment Information

    To view your payment information:

    • Go to the top right of any page within the admin view, and click on your name
    • Select ‘My account’

    Select the third tab titled ‘Payment information’ to view your

    • Billing contact details
    • Payment information/credit card details

    To change your billing contact details, update the relevant fields:

    • First name and Surname
    • Address – start typing your address and select from the dropdown
    • Contact number
    • Contact email

    Select ‘Save’ to apply your changes

    Update your payment information

    You can view or update your payment information here.

    If you already have payment information saved previously and want to change it, click on the ‘Delete’ button to remove it.

    Enter your new Payment Information in the required fields

    • Name on card
    • Card number
    • Expiration date
    • CCV (security number)

    Click on the ‘Save’ button to apply these changes – your next invoice cycle will use this payment information.


    To view your invoices, select the fourth tab titled ‘Billing History’

    A table will appear with your invoices

    • Billing period: the day you are invoiced and the final day of the invoice month
    • Bill amount: your invoice amount
    • Plan: the Little Big Shop plan you are subscribed to
    • Status: Where your invoice is in the billing cycle
    • Invoice: a downloadable PDF document of your invoice

    Note: the top row is the next Pending bill to be invoiced, for the next bill cycle.

    Download your invoices

    To download an invoice:

    • Go to the ‘Invoice’ column
    • Click on the image of the ‘PDF’ file
    • A new tab will open in your browser with your invoice