Customer account
One of the features that Little Big Shop offers your customers is the ability to create an account with your shop. The benefits of this include:
- Their information is saved for a faster checkout experience for future orders
- They can log in to their account to update details and passwords
- The option to subscribe to your news and promotions
- They can view past orders and download invoices
Login | Register
A customer of your shop can create an account during the checkout process, or by clicking the Login | Register link at the top left of the screen. Alternatively, if they have already created an account, they just enter their email and password and click on the ‘Login’ button.
Once logged in, a customer can view their account information by clicking on the user icon in the top left. A dropdown will appear with a link to ‘My profile’ and ‘Order History’, as well as the ability to log out of their account.
My Profile
Under my profile, a customer can edit contact information, change their password and update marketing preferences.
My orders
The customer can view their order history and obtain a copy of their invoice.