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    1. Name & Images

    • Product Name: Enter the name of the product in the text box provided.
    • Images:
      • Click on the image placeholders to upload images of your product.
      • The main image will be displayed as the feature image on the shop page and cart.

    2. Accessibility

    • Visibility: Check this box if the product should be visible to members only.

    3. Categories

    • Category Name:
      • Enter a new category name in the text box and click “Add category” to create a new category.
      • Existing categories are listed below.
    • Select Category:
      • Click to select a category for the product.
      • You can select multiple categories by holding the Shift or Command key.

    4. Price

    • Product Price / RRP: Enter the recommended retail price of the product.
    • Discounted / Sale Price: Enter the discounted or sale price. This will override the base price.
    • Member Discount Price: Enter a special price that only logged-in members can see.
    • Product Number / SKU: Enter the product number or Stock Keeping Unit (SKU).

    5. GST/Tax

    • GST/Tax Application:
      • GST/Tax will be automatically applied to the product unless the “This product is GST/Tax free” box is checked.

    6. Product Specific Shipping

    • Shipping Rules:
      • Select the appropriate shipping rule for the product.
      • Options include None, Free Shipping for this product, and Additional Shipping.

    7. Save

    • Save Button: Click the “Save” button to save all entered details.

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