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Create and register
a business name

Registering your business name

Registering your business name is a good first move to highlight that your business is legally trading under that particular name for that particular industry. However, choosing the right business name can have its own challenges.

Your business name should be related to the product or service that you are providing. If you are unsure what you want to do, or looking how to start a business, we have some tips for you.

register a business name

Research your online business idea

Understanding the business landscape is a great first step in understanding what is common and what is a unique approach to tackling the market. It can also help with creating your business name.

You should follow your passion and at the same time, think about the audience for your product or services as well as the key industry trends. The ideal approach would be to develop a marketing plan first.

Create a business name

Creating a business name is not so straight forward. As a result we have developed some key considerations that you should be aware of when choosing a business name.

There are also some free tools out there such as Business Name Generator that can help to get you started and get the ideas flowing.

Register your business name

Once you’ve found your name, make sure to register it! Every country has its own laws in registering a business name, however to register a business name in Australia, you need to visit the ASIC website here.


What if the name has been trademarked?

If you are really keen on a name and it has been trademarked, we suggest you dig a little deeper. Sometimes trademarks are only relevant to particular industries and in particular countries. However, we are not providing any legal advice and we always recommend that you consult with a lawyer that specialises trademark law.

How many business name ideas should I brainstorm?

You should start with a fairly extensive list – anywhere between 50-100 names. From there, as you sense check the business names either by domain availability, legal availability or whether it will resonate with your target audience, you will notice the list will begin to naturally reduce to a much smaller number.

In Australia, do I need an ABN to register a business name?

Yes, all business names need to be linked to a valid ABN.

How do I add my business name to Little Big Shop?

To add your business name:

Click on the ‘Settings’ menu item in the left hand navigation. Alternatively, you can click on the ‘Go to shop settings’ shortcut link under ‘Here are some steps to get you started’ on the dashboard.

How can I edit my shop details?

For more information, you can watch a Youtube tutorial video or visit our help page.

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